Who We Are

LIGHT Boston was founded in 1996 by a small group of volunteers recognizing the need for a citizen’s advocacy group with respect to responsible exterior lighting in the City of Boston. The Board is comprised of civic leaders, urbanites, designers, environmentalists, and laypeople. Many Board members are active in managing LIGHT Boston’s projects.

Board of Directors, Executive Committee

( * ) – Executive Committee

Jeffrey Berg, AIA, LC, LEED
Michael Chabot
Karen Lee, LC, LEED AP *
Todd Lee, FAIA, LEED AP * – President
Franklin B. Mead, FAIA
Lana Nathe, IALD (Assoc), DLF, IES
Chris Noble, Esq * – Secretary
Keith J. Yancey, IALD, AIA, LC, PE * – Treasurer
Paula Ziegenbein, IALD (Assoc) *


Thomas A. Kershaw – Chair
Oliver C. Colburn, Esq
Diane Georgopulos, FAIA
Henry Lee
Paul D. Mustone – LC
Beatrice W. Nessen
Robert B. O’Brien


Anne Byrd Reed Witherby – President 1996-2005

Civic Design Advocate

John W. Powell, IALD (Assoc)
Artist in Light, Exec. Com 1996-2005


Our Community Partners – it takes a City to light a building